You’re sure to have a whale of a time with Spout Whale! Made out of 100% recycled plastic fibres (from filling to fabric).
Spout is made with the highest quality materials and makes for not only the perfect cuddly friend, but an environmentally friendly one too! With embroidered features and a blue water spout, Spout is an adorable addition for all to enjoy!
Saving the planet, one hug at a time
- Approx. 18cm
- Suitable for all ages
- Embroidered features
- 100% recycled plastic (filling to fabric)
- Approx. 8 water bottles made this whale
Busselton Baby Store / Family Owned / Competitive Pricing
We love babies at Buy for Baby - and we also know there is a lot to consider, plan and prepare for. So it's good to know that at Buy for Baby Busselton, our friendly team are here to help you get ready for when baby arrives and beyond.
Shop Online, or drop into our Busselton showroom - conveniently located just off the Busselton bypass.
Buy for Baby Busselton also offer a range of services including gift registry, click & collect, lay-by, accredited car seat fittings and baby equipment hire.
For our latest promotions, new arrivals and product information you can find us on Facebook and Instagram.